Ana Cristina Quintella

Ana Cristina Quintella

Adtech Consultant
Related topics: CDP Data

Unleash the Power of Ad Personalisation: How CDPs Power Your Ads

6 February 2024
3 min

What is CDPs, and how does it improve ad personalisation?

Personalised advertising has become an intricate journey that aims to establish better connections with business’s target audiences. In this sense, Customer Data Platforms (CDP) have emerged as a powerful tool to transform customer information collection, management, and use. This article explores how CDPs play a critical role in improving ad personalisation.

What are Customer Data Platforms (CDP)?

Before getting into the advantages of CDPs in advertising, it is essential to understand what CDP is. CDP is a platform designed to collect, store and organise customer data from various sources, creating integrated and unified profiles. This data consolidation allows companies to gain a holistic view of their customers, laying the foundation for more effective personalisation.


The Key to Personalisation: Core Data and Meaningful Connections

Effective ad personalisation relies on the ability to thoroughly understand the target audience. CDPs excel by providing a centralised repository of customer data, including behaviours, preferences, and interaction history. It allows brands to create detailed and accurate profiles, making it easier to create more personalised ads.

The Customer Data Platform (CDP) streamlines First Party Data performance by integrating a single source of truth, enabling instant visualisation. This inclusion not only simplifies data management but also improves the ability to analyse and respond in real time to customer preferences. From the moment of integration, a dynamic process is triggered that transforms static data into agile knowledge, facilitating quick and accurate decisions.

Additionally, CDPs make it easy to connect data from various sources, such as Social Media, website interactions, and past transactions. This results in a more complete understanding of the user, which in turn improves brands’ ability to deliver relevant messages at the right time.

The Role of CDPs in Precise Segmentation

CDPs allow for more precise segmentation by classifying users into groups based on specific data. For example, a fashion brand can segment its users based on their style preferences, purchasing behaviours, and geographic location. This makes it possible to create ads that resonate more effectively with each segment, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Automation and Optimisation: 

CDPs not only simplify data collection and organisation but also facilitate process automation. Automation allows brands to deliver personalised ads in real time, dynamically responding to changes in user behaviour. Additionally, the continuous optimisation capabilities of CDPs ensure that personalisation strategies evolve based on changing trends and preferences.

In short, Customer Data Platforms are playing an essential role in the evolution of advertising towards a more personalised and user-centric approach. By providing centralised data, precise targeting, and automation capabilities, CDPs are increasing ad relevance, improving customer experience, and ultimately driving the success of advertising campaigns. Personalisation driven by CDPs wins brands’ attention and user loyalty in a world saturated with messages.


At Making Science, we have specialised Customer Data Platform teams so that they can personally advise and help clients select the CDP that best suits their needs. We have experience in various platforms, such as Zeotap and Tealium, and are committed to providing solutions that drive the success of your business.

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