Design of user experience and Psychology
Nowadays, psychology is a fundamental factor when we talk about Design of user experience, since for product designers, knowing the cognitive and behavioral processes of users allows us to design recognizable, usable and differentiating contexts. Different psychological foundations are included in a digital hyperconnection era in which designers seek differential value by knowing direct and indirect factors related to our discipline. In this sense, psychology plays a fundamental role in the perception and behavior of the user. One of the maxims of user experience design is that the design passes from subjectivity to objectivity and this is achieved thanks to the endorsement of the data, of working with results and of the full knowledge of the behavior of the users to make decisions of design. Next, we show you different psychological foundations that allow users to perceive sensations such as ease of use, recognition, simplicity, usability, differentiation, etc.
Von Restorff Effect
The Von Restorff effect determines how, compared to several similar objects, the one that differs from the rest will suppose a greater degree of latency with the user. In other words: the different components generate an isolation effect by which it tends to be remembered. Techniques such as making an aesthetic treatment differentiating between components of the same type, isolating those with a greater degree of strategic importance and providing them with a design aspect.