Making Science begins the integration of its brands in Italy, France and the UK

22 September 2021
2 mins

Making Science, technology and digital marketing consultancy specialising in e-Commerce and digital transformation announces the integration of the brands; Nara Media in the UK, Celsius in France and Omniaweb in Italy. A coexistence transition under the Making Science brand.

The integration process began following the acquisition of Omniweb Italy in October 2020  and then followed by France and then the UK in February 2021.  The union of our expert teams will showcase to our clients and stakeholders the strength and expertise that Making Science offers in the global digital arena. Both markets’ strategic positioning and acceleration call for this integration process towards the consolidation, strength, and leadership of Making Science in all three regions.

As the parent and operating brand, Making Science aims to consolidate agility, digital knowledge, innovation and technological development to extend its mission, vision and values in all the markets it operates through its brand. In the words of José Antonio Martínez Aguilar, CEO of Making Science, “the rebranding is a further step in the integration strategy of the companies in Making Science and allows them to have a consistent and global positioning”.

The integration is visually represented by the union and permanence of the company names accompanied by our Making Science logo. Moreover, the new logo maintains its modular and fluid form reflecting the spirit of our constant digital evolution and innovation. Represented by a liquid, our logo is flexible and adapts to all group areas as it changes its shape and colour. 

Furthermore, this “non-aggressive” brand integration reiterates the calibre of our professionals, who make up the companies and who are the most important brand asset for Making Science,  together with the adherence to the corporate culture, DNA, tone, voice, purpose and territories, of the parent brand. Making Science, which is already present in Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Colombia, the United States, Ireland, France, Italy and the United Kingdom, continues its international expansion plan to operate in the 20 most important advertising markets in the world in five years.